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$41,000+ Raised by Donors, YouTubers, for ARRL Teachers Institute


A YouTube telethon to raise money for the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology was a resounding success. More than $21,000 was contributed during the livestream, which unlocked another $20,000 that donors had set out as a challenge gift. ARRL Director of Development Kevin Beal, K8EAL, says that upped the ante. “It's quite clear that even with the generosity of the donors in attendance...

Register for 25th Annual SKYWARN Recognition Day, December 7


The 25th Annual SKYWARNTM Recognition Day (SRD) is Saturday, December 7. SRD recognizes the work of amateur and non-ham SKYWARN storm spotters in keeping their communities safe during severe weather. Trained spotters provide observations of “ground truth” to regional National Weather Service (NWS) offices.

While meteorologists have advanced remote sensing data like radar, satellite, and weather...

Giving Tuesday: How You Can Impact ARRL and Amateur Radio


ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is grateful to its members, who allow us to do the work on their behalf of promoting and protecting amateur radio and inspiring future generations to make ham radio and wireless technology a part of their lives. No one does more for amateur radio. ARRL is globally recognized by radio amateurs and the public for advancing amateur radio, through su...

The K7RA Solar Update


ARRL Headquarters was closed on November 29. So, this regular Friday
bulletin was moved to the following Monday (12/2).

Solar activity increased during the current reporting week, November
21-27. Average daily sunspot number rose to 155.7, and average daily
solar flux was 282.2.

Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
Ionosphere - November 28, 2024, by F. K. Janda, OK1HH:


L'Editoriale di dicembre 2024

ARI Nazionale -

I2SCROOGE e lo spirito del Natale

Alberto Zagni, I2KBD

L’editoriale di dicembre è solitamente motivo di riflessione e di bilanci dopo un anno di attività. Ho pensato per questo di chiedere ai colleghi del CDN di condividere quello che avrebbero scritto in una letterina per Babbo Natale, i loro desideri e magari la speranza di un piccolo miracolo natalizio come regalo.

This Saturday: YouTube Telethon to Support ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology


One final reminder about the YouTube telethon to raise money for the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology that will be held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, on the Ham Radio Crash Course YouTube channel.

It will be hosted by YouTuber Josh Nass, KI6NAZ. Quite a few amateur radio content creators will join Nass and others on the stream. ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, ...

ARRL 2023 Annual Report Now Available


ARRL® The National Association for Amateur Radio® has published its 2023 Annual Report, which includes a summary of the year’s program activities, along with the 2023 and 2022 financial statements and an independent auditor’s report.

ARRL marked 2023 as the Year of the Volunteers, recognizing the nearly 57,000 volunteers who contribute to supporting the organization and the wider amateur radio c...

How to Let Kids Talk with Santa Over Ham Radio This Holiday Season


Santa Claus will be on the amateur radio airwaves again this year.

The 3.916 Santa Net will be on the air every night at 7:00 PM CST from November 29 through December 24. Reserve a spot with Santa by making a pre-net check in. You can check in each night starting at 6:30 PM CST online at

Santa and Mrs. Claus will also be on the air, together, thanks to special arrangements with t...

Ed Menasian, N8LPQ Receives 2024 ARRL Technical Service Award


Ed Menasian, N8LPQ, Toledo, Ohio, is the recipient of the 2024 ARRL Technical Service Award. He was presented the award plaque and motion certificate by ARRL Great Lakes Division Director Scott Yonally, N8SY, at a ceremony held November 23 at the Toledo Emergency Management Agency.

The ARRL Technical Service Award is given annually to one or more licensed radio amateurs whose service to the amat...

Fall Season Section Manager Election Results


On Tuesday, November 19, ballots were counted at ARRL Headquarters for the ARRL South Carolina Section Manager election that was conducted this fall.

ARRL members in South Carolina have elected incumbent Matthew Crook, W1MRC, to continue as their Section Manager with a new term of office starting on January 1, 2025.  Crook received 296 votes, and his opponent, Billy Irwin, K9OH, of Anderson, re...

New Video Promoting YouTube Telethon to Benefit Teachers Institute


The ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology is a tremendously successful advocacy for inspiring youth, and it is growing significantly. The program is entirely donor-funded, and that effort is getting a huge shot in the arm. A YouTube telethon to raise money for the program will be held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, on the Ham Radio Crash Course channel. ARRL Education and Learning Man...

25th Annual SKYWARN Recognition Day December 7, 2024


SKYWARNTM Recognition Day is December 7, 2024. The annual event is celebrating its 25th anniversary. SRD was established in 1999 by the National Weather Service and ARRL® to commemorate the contributions of SKYWARN volunteers. Using amateur radio and other means of communication, SKYWARN spotters provide real time ground truth to NWS offices. The ham-volunteers can also provide vital communicat...

The K7RA Solar Update


Solar activity was lower this reporting week, November 14-20, with
the average daily sunspot number down from 141.6 to 99.3, and solar
flux from 203.7 to 152.4. Geomagnetic indicators were quiet.

This follows a period during August and October when it seemed we
must be at the peak of Solar Cycle 25. But we won't know that until
nearly a year after solar max, when a long moving average of daily

ARRL Closing Early Nov. 21, and Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday Nov. 28 - 29


 ARRL® The National Association for Amateur Radio® has two closures coming up for our headquarters in Newington, Connecticut:

ARRL will close early at 12 PM Eastern Standard Time (1700 UTC) on Thursday, November 21, 2024. The ARRL Headquarters lobby and store, as well as W1AW, will be open to visitors from 8 AM to 12 PM EST on Thursday. There will be no interruptions to the W1AW bulletins or cod...

December YOTA month!

ARI Nazionale -

A dicembre apriamo le porte delle nostre stazioni ai giovani e diamo la possibilità a chi ancora non ha stazioni performanti di provare ad operare con buone antenne e buone stazioni, sarà un sicuro stimolo per i giovani a migliorare e crescere nella nostra attività. Al momento sono già disponibili i nominativi II0YOTA II3YOTA II5YOTA possiamo richiederne altri per le zone mancanti se avete giovani Radioamatori da coinvolgere.

Per maggiori informazioni cliccare QUI

Committee Proposes Changes to ARRL By-Laws 42 and 46


Dear Member, 

At the 2024 ARRL Annual Meeting held in January, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to approve the establishment of a committee to assure the existence of a set of ethical standards and guidelines for Board Members as called for in ARRL By-Law 42. In addition, the committee was tasked to review By-Laws 42 (Ethics and Elections Committee) and 46 (Conflict of Interest Policy) f...

XLIII Contest I.N.O.R.C. - “Memorial Serafino de Filippi IT9CKA”

ARI Nazionale -

L’I.N.O.R.C. “Italian Naval Old Rhythmers Club” dedica il suo annuale Contest, giunto alla quarantatreesima edizione, all’indimenticabile Radioamatore IT9CKA Serafino de Filippi molto attivo in Telegrafia Morse. Sempre presente e disponibile con entusiasmo durante le attivazioni commemorative, durante i contest ed i diplomi, Serafino è stato un valido ed affidabile collaboratore delle Associazioni alle quali era iscritto.

Nonostante il mutamento dei sistemi di comunicazione - in particolar modo nel settore marittimo con l’adozione dei più attuali sistemi satellitari – l’I.N.O.R.C. ha come propria missione quella di tenere vivo il ricordo della radiotelegrafia navale e delle persone che per essa hanno operato assicurando - per anni - la salvaguardia della vita umana in mare.

Il Contest si svolgerà dalle ore 14:00 UTC di sabato 7 dicembre 2024 alle ore 13:59 UTC di domenica 8 dicembre 2024.

Tutte le informazioni complete ed i dettagli inerenti il regolamento si possono visualizzare su QRZ.COM al nominativo IQ1NM (la stazione di Club del I.N.O.R.C.) e nel sito web del Club


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