Notizie da altri siti

Amateur Radio Goes to High School in New York City


Staten Island Technical High School is the first New York City school to receive a grant from ARRL.

ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, said ARRL is working with the school in several ways. "We are working with them to build and equip an amateur radio station, to test and license students, and to put [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)] kits in the cl...

California Storms: Amateur Radio is Ready


Southern California continues to feel the effects of a significant rain event that began last week, bringing record rainfall, landslides, and hurricane-strength winds. The heavy rain is the result of two atmospheric rivers, referred to as "Pineapple Expresses" because of their origins near Hawaii. Nearly half a year's worth of rain has fallen in two days. Since Sunday, February 4, areas in Los ...

The K7RA Solar Update


Over the recent reporting week, February 1-7, ten new sunspot groups
emerged, five on February 1, one on February 2, another on February
3, two on February 5, and one more on February 7. On February 8, two
more emerged.

Sunspot numbers and solar flux rose, and geomagnetic numbers were

Average daily sunspot number increased from 71.8 to 142.3, and
average daily solar flux from 145.4 to 165.5.


Diploma Internazionale 151°Carnevale di Viareggio on the air 2024

ARI Nazionale -

La Sezione ARI Versilia-Viareggio "Sergio Cassina" IQ5VR istituisce il diploma denominato "Diploma Internazionale 151°Carnevale di Viareggio on the air 2024“ nell'ambito della manifestazione del Carnevale di Viareggio.

Partecipazione: E' aperta a tutti gli OM ed SWL italiani e stranieri.

Periodo: Dalle ore 06.00 UTC del 10/02/2024 alle ore 23:00 UTC del 18/02/2024.

Bande: 10/12/15/17/20/30/40/80/160 metri, nei segmenti raccomandati dalla IARU, nei modi SSB, CW, DIGI.

Per scaricare il regolamento completo in PDF cliccare QUI

Rinnovo delle autorizzazioni generali per l’attività radioamatoriale

ARI Nazionale -

Si avvisa che le domande presentate tramite la piattaforma web ai fini del rinnovo delle autorizzazioni generali per l’attività radioamatoriale aventi scadenza 31 dicembre 2023 sono accolte in proroga fino al 9 febbraio 2024.

Dal 10 febbraio 2024 il radioamatore interessato a proseguire l’attività radioamatoriale deve presentare una nuova richiesta di autorizzazione generale, il nominativo di stazione già assegnato rimane comunque a disposizione del radioamatore per un periodo di un anno dalla data di scadenza dell’autorizzazione e può quindi essere utilizzato fino al 31 dicembre 2024 per presentare la nuova richiesta di autorizzazione generale.

Per maggiori informazioni cliccare QUI

The First Amateur Radio Station on the Moon, JS1YMG, is Now Transmitting


The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) successfully landed their Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) on January 19, 2024. Just before touchdown, SLIM released two small lunar surface probes, LEV-1 and LEV-2.

LEV-2 collects data while moving on the lunar surface, and LEV-1 receives the data.

The JAXA Ham Radio Club (JHRC), JQ1ZVI, secured amateur radio license JS1YMG for LEV-1, which...

ARRL Midwest Division Convention, Winterfest


Newly licensed ham Charlie Hartley, KF0OOP, 18, is one of ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® newest members. He's majoring in sound engineering at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri, and is an accomplished musician, playing both bass guitar and the upright string bass. Ham radio, live sound, and music run in his blood; he's the grandson of Bob Heil, K9EID.

Charlie had been ...

Heil Ham Radio Donates Equipment to W1AW


The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station, W1AW, at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, has received a generous donation of equipment from the Heil Ham Radio division of Heil Sound.

The company's founder, Bob Heil, K9EID, is a pioneering audio engineer and avid radio amateur. At his direction, the company donated four Heil Pro Set Elite HC-6 headsets, three Heil Pro Set 3 stereo headphones...

The K7RA Solar Update



"A CME was observed from 01/0800 UT. This CME is expected to pass
mostly above the Earth, however a glancing blow is possible either
late UT day 03-Feb or early UT day 04-Feb to cause possible G1-G2
geomagnetic storming. A coronal hole wind stream may also contribute
to enha...

ARRL Foundation Accepting Applications for Grants in February


The ARRL Foundation is now accepting grant applications from amateur radio organizations for eligible amateur radio-related projects and initiatives, particularly those focused on educating, licensing, and supporting amateur radio activities, to grow amateur radio's future, youth-based projects and initiatives are especially encouraged.

The ARRL Foundation grants program accepts proposals on a c...

L'Editoriale di febbraio 2024

ARI Nazionale -

Immaginando una revisione
del Codice delle comunicazioni
Alessio Sacchi, IZ4EFN

L'attività di radioamatore consiste nell'espletamento di un servizio, svolto in linguaggio chiaro, o con l'uso di codici internazionalmente ammessi, esclusivamente su mezzo radioelettrico anche via satellite, di istruzione individuale, di intercomunicazione e di studio tecnico, effettuato da persone che abbiano conseguito la relativa autorizzazione generale e che si interessano della tecnica della radioelettricità a titolo esclusivamente personale senza alcun interesse di natura economica.

YLISSB Celebrates 61 Years On the Air


February 8, 2024, marks the 61st anniversary of the YL System, now known as the YL International Single Side-band System (YLISSB), founded by Vera Mayree Tallman, K4ICA (SK), in 1963.  

Tallman received her first license in 1956 and later earned her General-class license. Though the system's name includes "YL," the amateur radio term for "young lady," membership is open to both women and men. YL...


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